Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just 8 more days!  I can't tell if the butterflies in my stomach are anxiety about disconnecting from work for so long, or about leaving my 'girls' (Ollie and Rosie), or the fear of not being able to deliver on what I'm being called to do.  But then it dawned on me...God would not put this opportunity at my feet and not make a way for all of this to be taken care of.  And those anxiety butterflies are replaced by butterflies of excitement about seeing those kids' faces, hearing their joyous singing, meeting the incredible leaders of Musana,sharing this experience with 11 amazing people,  getting exposed to a new culture and a new part of the world, being able to serve in a unique way, expanding my world view....

p.s. still anxious about the cobras though ;)

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