Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tierney (or Auntie Tooney as the kids called her) playing with the Musana kids
Locals filling their water jugs each morning
Me and my shadow:)
Kids mugging for the camera
Two kids in the Buongo village who walked with me ...I'm beginning to think I wore the same clothes every day
Darren hanging out with some local ladies...who are probably thinking 'um, who is this guy?'
One of the kids on the Musana farm
The Musana kids singing a farewell song for us on our last day - not a dry eye in the house

OSHA close your eyes :)...this is the new latrine being dug by this one worker.  He did this in just one day
Local kids happy to see the Mzungus
Cool shot of the boat that we were in to float the Nile River, taken from the vantage point of a salt cave
More local kids...fascinated by digital camera
Chillin' on the Nile at sunset...how cool is that!
Workers at the Musana farm

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